Tag: internet marketing

  • How to be a Digital Nomad

    How to be a Digital Nomad

    You’ve probably seen the videos on youtube or other platforms showing the adventures being had by seemingly overly lucky people, while travelling the country or world in a van or yacht or motorbike etc., and you’ve dreamed of doing something similar.. just living where you want, how you want, and somehow making money online along…

  • Internet Marketing for Newbies – Part 2

    Internet Marketing for Newbies – Part 2

    Following on from Part 1 of our guide to Internet Marketing for Newbies, here is the eagerly awaited Part 2! Read on for (almost) everything wanted to know but were afraid to ask about making money online with internet marketing.. Content Generation Producing content for your blog or website is another fundamental task for all…

  • I Tried this Viral Content Marketing Trick and You Wont Believe What Happened Next!

    I Tried this Viral Content Marketing Trick and You Wont Believe What Happened Next!

    There’s a lot talked about viral content marketing on the web these days but you probably think from the title of this article that the trick I am going to tell you about is some kind of strategy which involves catchy viralnova style titles, right? Well that certainly does have its part to play but there’s…

  • Internet Marketing for Newbies: an in-depth guide for the bewildered and technically challenged

    Internet Marketing for Newbies: an in-depth guide for the bewildered and technically challenged

    The purpose of this article is not to teach you specifically how to make money online, it is to present the fundamental knowledge required before you can even start building an internet based business with which you could then hopefully make money. It will explain the terminology in simple, clear language. It will tell you…

  • Get Unlimited High Converting Free Traffic Without Google

    Get Unlimited High Converting Free Traffic Without Google

    It is a common problem with internet marketers who spend all their time trying to get traffic from Google and work through every SEO trick in the book only to find one day that Google moved the goalposts and slapped their site down the ranks into oblivion, taking away all that hard earned traffic forever.…

  • St. Patrick’s Day Killing

    St. Patrick’s Day Killing

    In the business of internet marketing there is one “ring” to rule them all and that ring is traffic, or eyeballs if you will, for without people seeing your site and your offers you simply wont make money and not making money is generally not a good thing for any business! Of course not all…

  • Keyword Research

    Keyword Research

    One of the primary skills for internet marketers is knowing how to do keyword research which is basically the ability to seek out potentially profitable keywords which can be easily ranked. Of course “easily ranked” is subjective and those who are more experienced in SEO will be able to rank harder keywords, either way regardless…

  • Local Internet Marketing

    Local Internet Marketing

    While the internet is global in nature it is easy to forget that local internet marketing is in fact something to seriously consider as it can be highly profitable offering local seo services or otherwise pitching products to the local market online which often have much less competition. People involved with internet marketing and search…

  • Welcome


    Bank of Home aims to show you how you can make money online by working from home. It is actually easier than you may think (but not quite as easy as some would have you believe!) so follow along as we post tips & tricks and product reviews and advice. We also have an exclusive FREE…